A Library for Processing

This is a relatively simple library designed to emulate most of the features of Greenfoot in Processing. This was originally made for a school project and aims to enable easy 2D game creation within Processing.

If you're using this in a class or as a teaching tool, I'd love to hear about it!

The Basic Idea

The library works with two concepts: worlds and actors.

The World class is where all the interaction and gameplay takes place - it's where all the Actors live, and for most games one World is enough.

The Actor class is where all the per-item code goes: you might have a player Actor, one for an item the player can pick up, and maybe a few ones for obstacles.


The library reference documentation can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email or open an issue on GitHub.


  1. Sketch > Import Library... > Add Library...
  2. Search for Green
  3. Select the library and click Install

Manual Installation

These steps are only in case the above steps don't work. You should try them first.

  1. Go to the latest GitHub release
  2. Download the .zip file
  3. Unzip it to wherever you want to keep the library
  4. Open Green-<version>.zip/library/ and put Green.jar in your Processing libraries folder
  5. Processing's libraries folder is located in <sketchbookLocation>/libraries
  6. Its sketchbook location can be found in the editor under File > Preferences...
Once installed:
  1. Add it to a project with Sketch > Import Library...
  2. Select it from the popup list